Commemorated on April 23
The Holy Empress
Alexandra: her supposed death was described in the Martyrdom Act of Saint
George, which was compiled immediately after his death. The empress, however,
was vouchsafed the crown of martyrdom some several years later, in the year
During these years
occurred many events. In the year 305 the emperor Diocletian resigned the
throne and power passed to his co-ruler Maximian Galerius (305-311), a fanatic
pagan, and a coarse and fierce soldier. His wife was the daughter of the holy
Empress Alexandra – the holy Martyress Valeria, whom Diocletian had given in
marriage against her will back during the years of his reign. Saint Alexandra
raised her daughter in Christian piety. When Galerius died, the emperor
Maximinus sought her hand in marriage. Having received a refusal, he banished
Saint Valeria to Syria, where she lived with her mother. After the death of
Maximinus in 313 the mother and daughter arrived in Nicomedia, hoping on the
mercy of the emperor Licinius (313-324). Together with the holy
Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine, he had subscribed to the Edict of Milan,
which presented Christians the freedom to confess their faith, but secretly he
remained an enemy of Christianity. Licinius gave orders to execute the holy
Empress Alexandra and her daughter Valeria. They were beheaded, and their
bodies thrown into the sea.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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