Commemorated on April 24
The Martyrs
Pasicratus and Valentine came from the Myzean city of Dorostolum and were
soldiers under the governor Absolanus. Pasicratus was 22 years of age, and
Valentine – age 30.
When a persecution
against Christians started, the Martyrs Pasicratus and Valentine openly
confessed their faith in Christ. At the trial the Martyr Pasicratus spit at the
idol of Apollo, in his refusing to offer sacrifice.
The brother of Saint
Pasicratus wept and urged him to offer sacrifice to the idols just for the
appearance of doing do. But the martyr placed his hand on the sacrifice in the
fire and said: "The body is mortal and burns in the fire, the soul however
is immortal and contemns all visible torments". The Martyr Valentine
likewise showed his readiness to suffer for Christ.
When they led the
martyrs to execution, after them also followed the mother of Saint Pasicratus
and she exhorted her son not to fear death for Christ. Both martyrs were
beheaded by the sword (+ 288).
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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