Martyred 62 Clergy and 300 Laymen: Commemorated on December 8 Martyred 62 Clergy and 300 Laymen: This occurred during the time of the emperor Zenon (474‑491). The ruler of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa, Guneric, came under the influence of heretic Arian bishops and started up a fierce persecution against the Orthodox. When believers had gathered at one of the churches and secretly celebrated Divine Liturgy, barbarian soldiers burst into the church. Part of the worshippers fled, but 300 men – those most firm in the true faith – voluntarily gave themselves over to torture and were beheaded. Of the 62 clergy, two were burnt, and tongues were cut out from the rest. But by a miraculous Divine power they continued to preach and to oppose the Arian false-teachings. © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos. |