Commemorated on January 11
The Monk
Theodosios the Great lived during the V-VI Centuries, and was the initiator
of common-life (coenobitic) monasteries. He was born in Cappadocia of pious
parents. Endowed with a splendid voice, he zealously toiled at church reading
and singing. And the Monk Theodosios prayed fervently, that the Lord would
guide him on the way to salvation. In his early years he visited the Holy Land
and met with the Monk Simeon the Stylite ("Pillar-Dweller", + 459,
Comm. 1 September), who blessed him and predicted future pastoral service for
him. Yearning for the solitary life, Saint Theodosios settled in Palestine into
a desolate cave, – in which by tradition, the three Magi had spent the night,
having come to worship at the Nativity of the Saviour of the world. In it he
dwelt for 30 years in great abstinence and unceasing prayer. Steadily there
began to throng to the ascetic those wanting to live under his guidance. When
the cave could no more hold all the gathered monks, the Monk Theodosios began
to pray, that the Lord Himself would point out the place for the monks. Taking
with him a censer with cold unlit coals, the monk went into the wilderness. At
a certain spot the coals fired up and set the incense smoke to rising. Here
also the monk founded the first common-life monastery, or Lavra [Greek
"Laura" meaning "broad" or populous"; in Russia were
four such: Trinity-Sergeev, Kievo-Pechersk, Alexander-Nevsk and Pochaev], under
the ustav-rule of Saint Basil the Great (+ 379, Comm. 1 January). Soon the
Lavra of the Monk Theodosios became reknown, and up to 700 monks gathered at
it. According to the final testament of the Monk Theodosios, the Lavra rendered
service to neighbour, giving aid to all the poor and providing shelter for
The Monk Theodosios
was extremely compassionate. One time when there was a famine in Palestine and
a multitude of people gathered at the monastery, the monk gave orders to allow
everyone into the monastery enclosure. His disciples were annoyed, knowing,
that the monastery did not have the means to feed all those who had come. But
when they went into the bakery, they saw that then through the prayers of the
abba, that it was filled with bread. And suchlike a miracle was repeated every
time, when the Monk Theodosios wanted to give help to the destitute.
At the monastery the
Monk Theodosios built an home for taking in strangers, separate infirmaries for
monks and laymen, and also a shelter for the dying. Seeing that at the Lavra
were gathered people from various lands, the monk arranged for Divine-services
in the various languages – Greek, Gruzian (Georgian) and Armenian. For
communing the Holy Mysteries all gathered in the large church, where
Divine-services were done in Greek.
During the reign of
the Constantinople emperor Anastasias (491-518) there arose the heresy of
Eutykhios and Severus, which recognised neither the sacraments nor the clergy.
The emperor joined in with the false-teaching, and the Orthodox began to suffer
persecution. The Monk Theodosios stood firmly in defense of Orthodoxy and on
behalf of the wilderness monks wrote a missive to the emperor, in which they
denounced him and refuted the condemned heresy with the teachings of the
OEcumenical Councils. He affirmed moreover, that the wilderness-dwellers and
monks would firmly support the Orthodox confession. The emperor showed
restraint for a short while, but then he renewed persecution of the Orthodox.
The holy elder then manifest great zeal for the truth. Leaving the monastery,
he came to Jerusalem and in the "Great" church, stood at the high
place and cried out for all to hear: "Whoever honoureth not the four
OEcumenical Councils, let them be anathema!". For this bold deed the monk
was sent to prison, but soon returned after the death of the emperor.
The Monk Theodosios
during his life accomplished many healings and other miracles, coming to the
aid of the needy. One time by prayer he destroyed locusts that were devastating
the fields in Palestine; also by his intercession, soldiers were kept from
perishing, and he saved both those perishing in shipwreck and those lost in the
One time the monk
gave orders to strike the signal, so that the brethren would gather at prayer,
and said: "The wrath of God draweth near the Eastern land". After
several days it became known, that a strong earthquake had destroyed the city
of Antioch at that very hour, when the monk had summoned the brethren to
prayer. Before his death, the Monk Theodosios summoned to him three beloved
bishops and revealed to them, that he would soon expire to the Lord. After
three days he died at the age of 105, in the year 529. The body of the saint
was buried with reverence in the cave, in which he lived at the beginning of
his ascetic deeds.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.
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