Sainted Michael, First Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus' Commemorated on June 15 and September 30 Sainted Michael, the first Metropolitan
of Kiev, according to the Joakimov chronicle was a Syrian by birth, but
according to the account of other chronicles – he was a Bulgarian or Serb. In
the year 989 he arrived at Korsun together with other clergy for holy
Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (Comm. 15 July), not long after
Vladimir's acceptance of Baptism (988). To the lot of the first metropolitan of
the Russian Church felt a difficult, but graced service. He zealously made the
rounds of the newly-enlightened Russian Land, preaching the Holy Gospel,
baptising and teaching the newly-illumined people, founding the first churches
and religious schools. In Rostov he established the first wooden church in
honour of the Uspenie-Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God and installed
there as bishop Theodore the Greek. Saint Michael was a wise and gentle, but
also strict hierarch. The Russian Church has preserved the memory of the meritorious
deeds of the saint: in the synodikon-lists of the Novgorod and Kiev Sophia
cathedrals he is rightfully called the initiator. © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos. |