The Holy Martyr Julian of Tarsis Commemorated on June 21 The Holy Martyr
Julian of Tarsis was born in the Asia Minor province of Cilicia. He was the
son of a pagan senator, but his mother confessed Christianity. After the death
of her husband the mother of Saint Julian resettled to Tarsis, where the son
was baptised and raised in Christian piety. When Julian reached age 18, a
persecution against Christians started under the emperor Diocletian (284-305).
Among others arrested was also Saint Julian. They brought him before the
governor Marcian for trial, where for a long time they urged him to renounce
Christ. Neither tortures nor threats, nor promises of gifts and honours could
convince the pious youth to offer pagan sacrifice and a denial of Christ. The
holy confessor remained steadfast in his firm faith. For a whole year they led
the martyr through the cities of Cilicia, in each of them subjecting him to
interrogation and tortures, after which they threw him in prison. The mother of
Saint Julian followed after her son and prayed, that the Lord would strengthen
him yet more in faith and act. In the city of Aegea under the pretext of urging
her son to offer sacrifice to idols, she besought the governor to permit her to
visit the prison. She spent three days in prison with Saint Julian, beseeching
him to be strong to the end. © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos. |