The Monk Emilian of Italy

Commemorated on March 7

      The Monk Emilian of Italy (in the world Victorinus) was by birth a Roman, and until he was an old man, he led a sinful life. Having repented finally, he withdrew to a monastery, accepted monasticism with the name of Emilian, and the remainder of his days he humbly served God, astounding the brethren by his uncomplaining obedience and strict fasting. The monks noted, that by night Emilian secretly visited a cave, situated not far from the monastery. One time the hegumen followed him and found the Monk Emilian in the cave, praying with tears of contrition, and illumined by an unearthly light, and heard a Voice from above: "Emilian, thine sins art remitted thee".
      Deeply moved by all that had happened, the heguman after morning Divine-services asked the elder to tell the brethren his secret, and the saint told everyone about the great mercy of God towards him. Then the hegumen explained to the brethren: "The Lord could have forgiven him his sin in quiet, but for the sake of us all He did manifest His mercy with the appearance of light and a voice, so that we all might behold His grace and mercy to sinners sincerely repenting".
      The Monk Emilian spent the remainder of his days in spiritual joy and he peacefully expired to the Lord.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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