The Monk Emilian of Italy Commemorated on March 7 The Monk Emilian
of Italy (in the world Victorinus) was by birth a Roman, and until he was
an old man, he led a sinful life. Having repented finally, he withdrew to a
monastery, accepted monasticism with the name of Emilian, and the remainder of
his days he humbly served God, astounding the brethren by his uncomplaining
obedience and strict fasting. The monks noted, that by night Emilian secretly
visited a cave, situated not far from the monastery. One time the hegumen
followed him and found the Monk Emilian in the cave, praying with tears of
contrition, and illumined by an unearthly light, and heard a Voice from above:
"Emilian, thine sins art remitted thee". © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos. |