The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, named "Tenderness" ("Umilenie")

Commemorated on March 19

      The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, named "Tenderness" ("Umilenie"), manifest itself in the year 1103 at Smolensk. Another Smolensk "Umilenie" ("Tenderness") Icon is known of from the vicinity of Okopa (down from Smolensk). This icon was situated in the encampment of the Russian armies of the military-commander (voevoda) Shein, holding back Polish besiegers from destroying Smolensk over the course of 20 months (1611-1613).

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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The Smolensk Icon
of the Mother of God, named "Tenderness" ("Umilenie")

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