The Monk Adrian of Monzensk

Commemorated on May 5

      The Monk Adrian of Monzensk lived during the XVI and beginning of the XVII Century, and was a native of the city of Kostroma. In the world he had the name Amos. Upon coming of age he was obligated on the wishes of his parents to enter into marriage, but beforehand became grievously ill. During the time of illness he had a vision of a solitary church amidst two rivers and he heard a voice: "Here is thy place". Having taken monastic vows at the Gennadiev monastery, the ascetic set out north to seek out the church amidst two rivers. He pursued asceticism at the Spaso-Kamenni (Saviour-Stone) monastery, and then at the Paul of Obnorsk monastery. Finally, he came upon the desolate church in a remote place, positioned as it was presented to him in the vision. But the high waters in spring flooded this place, whereupon the Monk Adrian and the several monks that had come with him decided to resettle. In 1590 an un-named elder arrived at the monastery and advised the monks to go to the Monk Pherapont of Monzensk, which they did. Here in the wilderness place, nearby the mouth of the River Monza at Kostroma, Saint Adrian dwelt under the guidance of the Monk Pherapont (+ 1591, Comm. 12 December), and then founded at the River Monza near Kostroma the Annunciation monastery. The monks ate by toiling upon the soil, and the Monk Adrian was foremost at the work. He died in the monastery founded by him in the year 1610. His relics were placed together with the relics of the Monk Pherapont beneathe a secluded spot in the Annunciation church. The lives of the saints records this as about the year 1645.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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