Sainted Phrumentios, Archbishop of Inda (Aethiopia, formerly Abysssinia)

Commemorated on November 30

      Sainted Phrumentios, Archbishop of Inda (Aethiopia, formerly Abysssinia), was a native of the city of Tyre. By Divine Providence while still a child he came to be in Abyssinia. Growing up near the imperial court, he became a friend and chief counselor of the Abyssinian emperor, and afterwards tutor to his son, – who ascended the throne while still a minor after the death of his father. With the consent of the new emperor, Saint Phrumentios journeyed to his native land and afterwards visited Alexandria and its patriarch, Sainted Athanasias the Great (326-373; Comm. 2 May). With the blessing of Saint Athanasias, Phrumentios was raised to the dignity of bishop of Abyssinia and he returned to that other country, which had sheltered him from his childhood years. Under the influence of the preaching of the saint, miracles were worked through his prayer: the emperor and many of his subjects received holy Baptism. Having accomplished the apostolic exploit of converting the Abyssinian nation to Christ, Saint Phrumentios for many years zealously and fruitfully guided the Church entrusted him by God, and he peacefully expired to the Lord in extreme old age (+ c. 380).

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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