The Monk Ammon of Egypt

Commemorated on October 4

      The Monk Ammon of Egypt was raised in Christian piety. Having entered into marriage at the demand of his parents, Ammon by agreement with his spouse preserved virginity and he began to live with her as brother with sister. The spiritual spouses pursued asceticism in fasting, prayer and conjoint effort for 20 years. Having matured in piety, the spouses then separately continued their ascetic deeds. The wife of Ammon remained home and founded at it a women's monastery. Ammon went out into the Nitreian wilderness, where he dwelt for 22 years and attained to high spiritual accomplishments, the gifts of wonderworking and perspicacity.
      The Monk Ammon often came for blessing to the Monk Anthony the Great (Comm. 17 January). At the hour of death of the Monk Ammon, Saint Anthony beheld how Angels with joy lifted up to heaven the soul of the righteous one. The Monk Ammon died in the mid-IV Century.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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