The Monk Euthymios the New, of Soluneia (Thessalonika)

Commemorated on October 15

      The Monk Euthymios the New, of Soluneia (Thessalonika), in the world was named Nikita, and he was a native of the city of Ancyra in Galatia. His parents, Epiphanios and Anna, led virtuous Christian lives, and their son was from childhood meek, pious and obedient. At age seven he was left fatherless and he soon became the sole support of his mother in all matters. Having entered military service, Nikita married, on the insistence of his mother. After the birth of a daughter he secretly left home, in order to enter a monastery. And for 15 years the Monk Euthymios asceticised on Mount Olympus, where he learned monastic deeds from the elders.
      The monk then resettled to Holy Mount Athos. Along the way, having learned that his mother and wife were in good health, he informed them that he had become a monk, and he sent them a cross, calling on them to follow his example. On Athos the monk accepted the great schema and lived for three years in a cave, in total silence, struggling with temptations. And for a long time Saint Euthymios asceticised upon a pillar, not far from Soluneia, instructing those coming to him for advice and healing the sick. The monk so very much cleansed his mind and heart, that he was vouchsafed Divine visions and revelations. At the command of the Lord, Saint Euthymios founded two monasteries in 863 on Mount Peristeros, not far from Soluneia, which he guided for 14 years, with the dignity of deacon. In one of these his wife and mother accepted monastic tonsure. Before death the monk settled on an islet of Athos, where he reposed in 889. His remains were transferred to Soluneia. The Monk Euthymios is termed the "New" in distinction from the Monk Euthymios the Great (Comm. 20 January).

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

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