Blessed John the Merciful of Rostov (also known as "Vlasatyi" – "the Hairy") Commemorated on September 3 and November 12 Blessed John the
Merciful of Rostov (also known as "Vlasatyi" – "the
Hairy") asceticised at Rostov in the exploit of holy folly
(iurodstvo), in it enduring deprivation and sorrow. He did not have a permanent
shelter and at times took his rest at the house of his spiritual father – a
priest at the church of the All-Holy ("Veskhsvyatsk"), or with one of
the aged widows. Living in humility, patience and unceasing prayer, he
spiritually nourished many a person, in which number was also the Monk
Irinarkh, Hermit of Rostov (Comm. 13 January). After his lengthy life of
pursuing asceticism he died on 3 September 1580 and was buried, according
to his final wishes, alongside the church of Saint Blaise beyond the altar. © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos. |