Martyrs Elias, Zoticus, Lucian, Valerian, Macrobius, and Gordian at Tomi in Romania (320)

Commemorated on September 13

Martyrs Elias, Zoticus, Lucian, Valerian, Macrobius and Gordian, suffered for Christ during the reign of Licinius. St. Macrobius was born a Cappadocian and St. Gordian, a Paphlagonian, were the favorite servants of the king and who served him meals. Accused of Christianity, they were banished to Scythia. There they found the Christians: Zoticus, Elias, Lucian and Valerian. After much torture for Christ Zoticus, Lucian and Elias were beheaded in the city of Tomis (Constantia). Saints Macrobius and Gordian suffered in Novidunie (New Danube). St. Valerian died, weeping at the graves of the holy martyrs.

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