Saturday February 22, 2025 / February 9, 2025
The Saturday of the Dead. Tone one.
The Scripture Readings
1 Corinthians 10:23-28Troparia
Meatfare or Relative's Suturday, Troparion, Tone VIII —
O Thou Who with wisdom profound orderest all things with love, and
Who givest to all what is needful, O only Creator, give rest, O Lord, to the
souls of Thy servants, for on Thee they have set their hope, our Maker and
Builder, and our God.
Kontakion. Tone VIII —
With the Saints give rest, O Christ, to the souls of Thy servants,
where there is no pain, no sorrow, no sighing, but life everlasting.
Holy Martyr Nicephorus, Troparion, Tone IV —
In his suffering, O Lord,/ Thy martyr Nicephorus received an imperishable
crown from Thee our God;/ for, possessed of Thy might,/ he set at nought the
tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons.// By his supplications
save Thou our souls.
Kontakion, of the Martyr, Tone I "The choir of the angels" —
Bound by the bond of love, O Nicephorus, thou didst manifestly destroy the
malice of hatred, and wast beheaded by the sword, as a divine martyr of the
incarnate Savior. Him do thou entreat, in behalf of us who hymn thy glorious
And this Kontakion, Tone III "Today the Virgin" —
Soaring aloft in the love of the Lord, O glorious one,/ and taking His
glorious Cross upon thy shoulder,/ thou didst put to shame the wiles of the
devil,/ didst suffer even unto death,/ and hast been shown to be a bearer of the
trophy of truth,// a warrior and initiate of the mysteries of the grace of God.