Sainted Gennadii, Archbishop of Novgorod
Commemorated on December 4 and on the 3rd Sunday of Pentecost
Sainted Gennadii,
Archbishop of Novgorod, was descended from the lineage of the Gonzov's and
was, in the testimony of contemporaries, "a man dignified, intelligent,
virtuous and learned in the Holy Scripture". His monastic obedience was
made at the Valaamo monastery, under the spiritual guidance of the Monk
Savvatii of Solovetsk (Comm. 27 September). From the year 1472 – he was
archimandrite of the Chudov monastery in Moscow. Zealous for a strict
ustav/rule of Divine-services, during the years 1479-1481, together with
Vassian, archbishop of Rostov, and later his successor Joasaph, he fearlessly
rose up in defense of an ancient ustav during a dispute about going "like the
sun" (east to west) during the consecration of a new temple. (The dispute
had arisen in connection with the consecration of the Uspensky cathedral in
In 1483 Saint
Gennadii began construction at the Chudov monastery of a stone refectory church
in honour of Sainted Alexei, Metropolitan of Moscow (+ 1378), the founder of
the monastery. On 12 December 1484 Saint Gennadii was ordained archbishop of
Novgorod. Already in Novgorod but still reverencing the memory of Saint Alexei,
Gennadii did not cease to concern himself over the erection of the temple,
"having sent silver voluntarily for the completion of this temple and
refectory and chamber".
The time of holy
Archbishop Gennadii as hierarch at Novgorod coincided with a terrible period in
the history of the Russian Church. Judaising preachers, having journeyed to
Novgorod under the guise of merchants, already in the year 1470 had begun to
plant the weeds of heresy and apostasy amongst the Orthodox. The false teaching
spread secretly. The first report about the heresy reached Saint Gennadii in
the year 1487: four members of a secret society, in a drunken intoxication
opened up and disclosed before the Orthodox the existence of the impious
heresy. As soon as it became known to him, the zealous archpastor immediately
set about an inquiry and with deep sorrow became convinced, that the danger was
a threat not only to local Novgorod piety, but also the very capital of
Orthodoxy – Moscow, whence the leaders of the Judaisers had already journeyed
in 1480. In September 1487 he dispatched to metropolitan Gerontii at Moscow all
the inquiry material in the original, together with a list of the apostates
discovered by him, and also their writings. The struggle with the Judaisers
became the chief object of the archpastoral activity of Saint Gennadii. In the
words of the Monk Joseph of Volotsk (Comm. 9 September), "this archbishop,
being wroth with the malevolent heretics, pounced upon them like a lion, from
out of the thicket of the Holy Scriptures and the splendid heights of the
prophets and the apostolic teachings". For twelve years the struggle of
Saint Gennadii and the Monk Joseph against the most powerful attempts of the
opponents of Orthodoxy to betray all the course of history of the Russian
Church and the Russian state. By the their efforts the struggle was crowned
with victory for Orthodoxy. The works of Gennadii in the study of the Bible
contributed to this. The heretics in their impious cleverness resorted to the
searching out of texts from the Old Testament books, but which were different
from those accepted by the Orthodox. Archbishop Gennadii took upon himself an
enormous task – to bring together into a single codex correct listings of Holy
Scripture. Up until this time Biblical books had been copied in Russia, on the
example of Byzantium, not in view of an entire codex, but by separate parts –
the Pentateuch (first five books) or Octateuch (first eight books), Kings,
Proverbs and other instructive books; the Psalter, the Prophets, the Gospels
and the Epistles.
The holy books of the
Old Testament in particular often were subjected to both accidental and
intentional defect. Saint Gennadii wrote about this with sorrow in a letter to
archbishop Joasaph: "The Judaising heretical tradition doth adhere to –
psalms of David or prophecies which they have altered". Gathering round
himself learned and industrious Bible workers, the saint collected together all
the books of the Holy Scripture into a single codex, and he gave blessing that
there again be translated from the Latin language those of the Holy Books,
which were not found by him in manuscripts of the traditional Slavonic Bible.
In 1499 was published in Rus' the first complete codex of Holy Scripture in the
Slavonic language – "the Gennadii Bible", as they respectfully call
it after the name of its compiler. This work became an integral link in the
succession of Slavonic translation of the Word of God. From the God-inspired
translation of the Holy Scripture by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and
Methodios (863-885), through the Bible of Saint Gennadii (1499), reproduced in
the first-imprinted Ostrozh Bible (1581), the Church has maintained an
unaltered Slavonic Biblical tradition right up through the so-called
Elizabethan Bible (1751) and all successive printed editions.
Together with the
preparation of the Bible, the circle of church scholars under Archbishop
Gennadii undertook also a great literary task: the compiling of the
"Fourth Novgorod Chronicle"; they brought this up to the year 1496,
and numerous hand-written books were translated, corrected and transcribed. The
hegumen of the Solovetsk monastery, Dosiphei, being at Novgorod on monastery
matters, worked for several years (1491-1494) with Saint Gennadii to compile a
library for the Solovetsk monastery. It was at the request of Saint Gennadii
that Dosiphei wrote the Lives of the Monks Zosima (Comm. 17 April) and Savvatii
(Comm. 27 September). A majority of the books, transcribed with the blessing of
the Novgorod hierarch (more than 20), were preserved in the collection of the
Solovetsk collected manuscripts. Ever a zealous advocate for spiritual
enlightenment, Saint Gennadii founded at Novgorod a school for the preparation
of worthy clergy.
The memory of Saint
Gennadii is preserved also in other of his work for the welfare of the Orthodox
At the end of the XV
Century a menacing concern weighed upon Russian minds about the impending of
the world, which they anticipated would be at the expiration of seven thousand
years from the creation of the world. Way back in 1408 with the completion of
the world-creation cycle, they had not ventured in Rus' to compute the Paschal
dates further than the year 1491. Thus in September 1491, the Archbishops'
Sobor-Council of the Russian Church at Moscow, with the participation of Saint
Gennadii, decreed that: "the Paschalion for the eight thousandth year be
written". Metropolitan Zosima at Moscow on 27 November 1492 "set
forth a cathedral Paschalion for 20 years," and entrusted to bishop Philothei
of Perm and archbishop Gennadii of Novgorod to each compile their own
Paschalion for conciliar witness and affirmation on 21 December 1492. Saint
Gennadii finished the compiling of his Paschalion, which in contrast to that of
the Metropolitan, extended for 70 years. It was distributed through the
dioceses by approval of the Sobor as the accepted Paschalion for the next 20
years, incorporating it as its own with explanation upon it in a Circular
Letter under a general heading, "Source for the Paschalion transposed to
the Eight Thousandth Year". In the theological explanation of the
Paschalion, grounded upon the Word of God and the holy fathers, the saint
wrote: "It is proper not to fear the end of the world, but rather to await
the coming of Christ at every moment. For just as God might deign to end the
world, so also might He deign to prolong the course of time". The time set
by the Creator is not for Himself but for man: "Let man realise the
requital of the times, that he esteem the end of his life". About the time
of the finish of the creation by God, "no one knoweth however, not the
Angels, nor again the Son, but only the Father". And therefore the holy
fathers, inspired of the Holy Spirit, explained the world-creation cycle namely
as a "cycle": "This doth occur in a circular motion, not having
an end". To the heretical allures of calculating out the times, the saint
contrasts the way hallowed by the Church, – of a constant spiritual sobriety.
Saint Gennadii expounded on the theological fundamentals of the Paschalion, he
explains, how amidst the Alpha of the world-creation cycle it is possible to
derive a Paschalion for the future, such as may be required. The Paschalion of
Saint Gennadii, by his own testimony, was not compiled by him anew, but rather
was obtained on the basis of a former tradition – in part, on the basis of the
Paschalion, written for 1360-1492 under Sainted Vasilii Kalika, Archbishop of
Novgorod (+ 3 July 1352). By the operative principles at work in the Paschalion
set forth by Saint Gennadii, later on, in the year 1539, under the archbishop
of Novgorod Makarii, there was compiled a Paschalion also for all the eight
thousand years.
A prayer to the
Most Holy Mother of God composed by him in 1497 evidences also his deep
spiritual life and prayerful inspiration. Besides his known letters to
Metropolitans Zosima and Simon, to Archbishop Joasaph, to Bishops Nyphontii and
Prokhor, and a missive to the 1490 Sobor, Archbishop Gennadii wrote also a
church "Small Ustav/Rule" and the "Tradition for Monks",
such as lived in accord to the ustav of monastic skete life. Leaving his
archpastoral service, from 1504 the saint lived thereafter in retirement at the
Chudov monastery, where he peacefully expired to the Lord on 4 December
1505. In the Stepen'-Ranks book we read: "Archbishop Gennadii dwelt as
archbishop for nineteen years, much improving the display of church adornment
and clergy decorum, and amidst heretics affirming the Orthodox faith, and then
at Moscow, dwelling a year and an half at the monastery of the miracle of the
Archangel Michael and Saint Alexei the metropolitan and wonderworker, wherein
first he was archimandrite, and reposed then also to God". The holy
remains of Saint Gennadii were put into the temple of the Miracle at Khona of
the holy Archangel Michael, in that place particularly venerated by him,
wherein rested the relics of Sainted Alexei, Metropolitan of Moscow. The
commemoration of Sainted Gennadii is also done on the 3rd Sunday after
Pentecost, on the day, when Holy Church remembers all the Saints illumined at
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.