The Nun Theodora of Tsargrad
Commemorated on December 30
The Nun Theodora of Tsargrad
lived at Constantinople during the first half of the X Century. She had been
married, but was widowed early on and led a pious life, attending the destitute
and hopeless, and then she accepted monasticism and lived under the guidance of
the Monk Basil the New (Comm. 26 March), devoting herself to monastic life in
her own home in a solitary cell. The Nun Theodora died in extreme old age in
the year 940. Upon the death of Saint Theodora, a student of Saint Basil the
New, Gregory by name, prayerfully besought his teacher to reveal to him the
after-death fate of the deceased nun. "Thou thus very much do wish
this?", – asked the Monk Basil. "Yes, very much I should wish
it", – answered Gregory. "Thou shalt see her today, if thou with
faith ask of this and if deeply thou be convinced of the possibility of the
fulfilling of the request". Gregory was greatly surprised and he thought
it all over, how and where he as going to be able to see someone, who had gone
off into eternal life. When Gregory that same night was falling asleep, a youth
of comely appearance came to him and said: "Rise up, the monastic father
Basil doth summon thee, so as to visit together with Theodora; if thou wishest
to see her, then come along and see". Gregory immediately went off to the
Monk Basil, but did not find him there. Those present said to him, that the
Monk Basil had gone himself to visit the Nun Theodora. To the distressed
Gregory they pointed out the way, along which had gone the Monk Basil. Gregory
proceeded along it, until he found himself in a unknown labyrinth. The narrow
and difficult path led to a bolted gateway. Seeing through a crack in it, that
a courtyard was situated beyond the gates, Gregory called out to a woman seated
there. She explained, that this courtyard belonged to Father Basil, who was
wont to come hither to visit with his spiritual children. "Open to me, for
I too am a spiritual child of Saint Basil," – besought Gregory. But the
servant girl would not open the doors without the permission of the Nun
Theodora. Gregory began to knock loudly on the doors. The Nun Theodora heard it
and joyfully let him through, exclaiming: "Here he is – the beloved son
of my master, Basil!" Having greeted him, the Nun Theodora inquired:
"Brother Gregory, who hath guided thee hither?" Then he in turn
related, how through the prayer of Saint Basil he had the good fortune to
behold her in the glory, which she had attained by her ascetic life. Gregory
began to implore her to tell him, for purposes of spiritual benefit, how she had
parted from the body and bypassing the slanderers she had come to this holy
habitation. The Nun Theodora replied: "how can I, dear child Gregory, tell
thee everything? After the point, in which I was with tribulation in fear and
trembling, I have forgotten much, moreover, I did see such faces and hear such
voices, as never one doth happen to see nor hear over all the course of one's
life. What I can say, is this, that death should have come upon me fiercely
because of my unjust deeds, done on earth, were it not for the prayers of our
Father Basil. His prayers alone did make my death the more easy". After
this the Nun Theodora began to relate, how a multitude of suddenly appearing
evil spirits accosted before her end. They carried large books, into which were
written down all the sins of her whole life, and they reviewed them with
impatience, as though any minute expecting the arrival of some sort of judge.
Seeing all this, the Nun Theodora went into such fear and terror, that finally
she began exhausted and in agony she glanced about on all sides, wanting to see
someone, who would be able to drive away he devils. Finding herself in this
tormenting situation, she then beheld two Angels, standing to the right side of
her. The evil spirits then withdrew farther off. "Why do ye, grim enemies
of the race of man, seek to harass and torment the soul of the deceased?
Rejoice not, for here be not one of yours", – exclaimed an Angel. Then
the shameless spirits began to recount everything, that the saint had done from
the time of her youth, whether by word, or deed or thought. To all this they
added on much of their own invention, seeking to slander the saint. Finally
there came death. It poured something into a bowl and offered it to the saint
to drink, and afterwards, taking a knife, it cut off her head. "Ah, my
child, – continued on the Nun Theodora with her account, – how bitter it
became for me then, how bitter! At this moment death snatched away my soul,
which quickly separated from the body, just like a bird leaps off the hand of
the fowler, if he sets it to freedom". Radiant Angels took the soul of the
Nun Theodora and began to set off with it to Heaven, whereas her body was left
to lay upon the earth, like discarded clothing. When the holy Angels had hold
of the soul of the nun, the evil spirits again showed up, saying: "We have
her many sins, answer us for them". And then the Angels began to recount
all the good deeds, which the saint had done: her charity, her love of peace,
the love for the temple of God, patience, humility, fasting, and many other
ascetic deeds which the nun had undertaken in life. All taken together, they
set opposite the sins her good deeds, which expiated them. The evil spirits
gnashed their teeth, wanting yet to abduct the holy soul and hurl it down into
the abyss. At this time suddenly there appeared in spirit the Monk Basil and he
said to the holy Angels: "My protectors, this soul hath rendered me many a
service, lessening the distress of mine infirmity and old age. I have prayed
concerning her to the Lord, and He bestowed this good thing". With this
the Monk Basil gave the Angels some sort of small chest, adding: "When ye
want the coelestial trials to finish, redeem her, taking what be from this
chest and giving it to the wicked and evil spirits". Having giving them
the chest, the saint went away. Seeing all this, the evil spirits for a long
time remained perplexed and speechless, and then suddenly, loudly shrieking,
they howled: "Woe to us! In vain have we toiled, watching and following
her, as to how and where she did sin". Having said this, they instantly
disappeared. Then the Monk Basil again appeared and brought with him many
different vessels with fragrances, which he entrusted to the Angels. Opening
one vessel after the other, the Angels poured out the fragrances upon the Nun
Theodora. She was filled with a spiritual sweetness and felt, that she had
changed and become very luminous. The Monk Basil said: "My protectors!
When ye have done everything needful over her, then, having brought her to the
habitation prepared by the Lord for me, leave her there". Having said
this, he withdrew. The holy Angels took the Nun Theodora and proceeded upwards
to Heaven, rising up as though through the air.
And here upon the way suddenly was
encountered the First Trial, which is called the Trial of Idle and Nasty Words.
The tormentors demanded an answer be given to everything, that the Nun Theodora
had ever spoken badly about anyone, and they pointed out the indecorous
laughter, mockery and crude songs. All this the saint had forgotten, since
quite a length of time had passed, when first she began to lead a life,
pleasing to God. But the Angels defended her.
Further on was the Trial of Lies.
The evil spirits situated there were very nasty, stubborn and fierce. They
furiously began to slander the saint, but the Angels gave it to them from the
small chest and passed by unhindered.
When the Nun Theodora reached the
Third Trial – that of Judging and Slander, from the evil spirits there emerged
one rather older and it began to relate, how with what vile words the nun had
slandered someone during her life. Much he indicated was false, but it was
amazing still, with what detail and exactness the demons remembered things,
things which the nun herself had forgotten.
The servants of the Fourth Trial –
that of Gluttony and Drunkenness, literally like ravenous wolves were ready to
devour the saint, recollecting, how she ate in the morning without praying to
God, how she ate at lunch and supper without measure, and transgressed the
fasts. Trying to snatch the nun from the hands of the Angels, one of the evil
spirits said: "Did thou not promise to the Lord God at holy Baptism to
renounce Satan and all his works and everything, that pertains to him? Having
given such a vow, how canst thou have done the things which thou hast
done?" And the devils even calculated up all the cups of wine, which the
Nun Theodora had imbibed over the course of all her life. When she said:
"Yes, this was so, and this I do remember", – the Angels again gave
out a portion from the small chest of Saint Basil, just as they had done at
each of the trials, and set off further.
"Do the people located on earth
know, what awaits them here and with what they will meet at the time of their
death?" – asked the Nun Theodora of the Angels. "Yes, they do know,
– answered an Angel, – but the pleasures and delights of life act so strongly
upon them, it so consumes their attention, that they involuntarily forget about
that which doth await them beyond the grave. Good it be for those, which
remember the Holy Scripture and work charity or do yet other good deeds, which
afterwards can redeem them of the eternal torments of hell. But woe to those,
which live carelessly as though forever, thinking only of the sweets of the
belly and their pride. If suddenly death should overtake them, they perish
completely, since they have not in their defense any good deeds; the souls of
these people are fiercely tormented by the dark princes of these trials, they
lead them off into the dark places of hell and will hold on to them until the
Coming of Christ. Thus also thou, Theodora, wouldst have suffered, had thou not
received of the saint of God Basil the gift, which hath saved thee here from
all harm".
With suchlike discourse by the Angel
was reached the Fifth Trial – that of Laziness and Sloth, where sinners are
tormented for all the hours of the day spent in idleness. Here the indolent are
held, having been too lazy to go to the Church of God on feastdays. Here too
the careless and the despondent are tested, both the layfolk and the clergy,
and there is discerned the lack of attentiveness of each about their own soul.
Many here are hurled off into the abyss. The Angels made up for the
insufficiencies of the nun with the gifts of Saint Basil and proceeded on
The Sixth Trial – was that of
Thievery, and they passed through freely. Thus also the Seventh Trial – that
of Greed and Avarice, the Angels managed to pass through unhindered because, by
the mercy of God, the Nun Theodora had always been satisfied with what God
provided, and she diligently distributed what she possessed to the needy.
The spirits of the Eighth Trial –
that of Bribery, gave torment for Bribe-taking and Flattery, and gnashed their
teeth out of malice, when the Angels went on from them, since they had nothing
against the Nun Theodora.
And the Angels proceeded freely thus
through the Ninth Trial – that of Unrighteousness and Vanity, the Tenth Trial
– that of Envy and Jealousy, and the Eleventh Trial – that of Pride.
Along their way they soon
encountered the Twelfth Trial – that of Anger. The eldest of the spirits, full
of the wrath of anger and arrogance, commanded its servants to torment and
torture the nun. The devils repeated all the original words of the nun, spoken
by her in anger, they remembered even, how with anger she had glared at her own
children or strictly punished them. For all this the Angels gave answer,
handing out from the small chest.
Literally like robbers, there rushed
out the evil spirits of the Thirteenth Trial – that of Spitefulness, but
finding nothing in their records, they wailed bitterly. Then the Nun Theodora
made bold to ask one of the Angels, from whence do the evil spirits know, who
and what is done bad in life. The Angel answered: "Every Christian through
holy Baptism doth receive a Guardian Angel, who does invisibly protect him from
everything bad and urges him to everything good, and who records all the good
deeds done by this person. But on the other side, there is an evil angel
keeping watch over all the course of life for the evil deeds of people and
writes them down into his book. He records all the sins which, as thou hast
seen, do accost people in passing through the trials on their way to Heaven.
These sins are able to deny a soul entry into Paradise and lead directly into
the abyss, in which the evil spirits themselves do dwell. And therein these
souls will dwell until the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, if they have
not for themselves good deeds, wherewith to snatch them from the hands of the
devil. People, those truly believing in the Holy Trinity, and having communed
as they are able a portion of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of
Christ the Saviour, directly ascend to Heaven without any hindrance. And the
holy Angels of God be manifest as their defenders, and the Saints pleasing to
God do intercede for the salvation of souls of righteously living people.
Concerning however the impious and heretics of malicious-faith, and those who
accomplish nothing of benefit in their lives, no one looks after then and in
their defense the Angels are able to say nothing".
The Angels then reached the
Fourteenth Trial – that of Thuggery, where are tested all, who have lashed out
with anger, smiting someone on the cheek or using some other weapon. And this
trial too the Angels passed through freely.
Suddenly they found themselves at
the Fifteenth Trial – that of Sorcery and Necromancy (Conjuring), amidst
poisonously beckoning demons. Here are located he viperous-mannered spirits,
the purpose of whose existence is to lead people into temptation and
corruption. Through the grace of Christ the Nun Theodora soon bypassed this
trial. But after this she inquired, is it for every sin, which a man commits in
life, that he is tormented with at the trials, or is it possible even during
life to expiate the sin, in order to be cleansed of it and not be tormented
with it at the trials. The Angels answered the Nun Theodora, that not all thus
experience the trials, but only those, who like her, did not make an
heart-cleansing confession before death. "If I had confessed to my
spiritual father all my sinfulness without shame or fear, and if I had received
absolution from my spiritual father, – said the Nun Theodora, – then I should
have gone through all these trials unhindered, and not one of my sins would
have tormented me. But since I was not wont to confess in an heart-cleansing
manner all my sins to my spiritual father, then here they do torment me for
this. Certainly, it did help me much, that I strove and desired over all the
course of my life to flee sin. Whoever with diligence strives after repentance,
doth receive always from God the forgiveness, and through this also
unencumbered passage from this life to the blessed life beyond the grave. The
evil spirits, which be situated amidst the trials together with their records,
in opening them find nothing written, since the Holy Spirit will make invisible
everything written. And they see this and they know, that everything written by
them is wiped out, thanks to confession, and they then be deeply saddened. If a
person be still among the living, then they aspire to write down there some
other sort of sins. Great in truth is the saving of the person in confession!
It doth save one from many a woe and distress, it provides the possibility
without hindrance to go through all the trials and come nigh to God. Some do
not make confession in the expectation, that there will still be time for
salvation, and for the remission of sins. Others simply at confession are
ashamed to tell the priest their sins – here such people will be severely
tested by the trials. There are also such, who are ashamed to tell everything
to one spiritual father, and they choose rather to tell one sin to one priest,
and others – to another, and so forth. For such a confession they will be
punished and they will suffer not a little the transition from trial to
Imperceptibly they approached the
Sixteenth Trial – that of Fornication. The tormentors were astonished, that
the saint had reached them without hindrance, and when they began to relate,
what she had done in life, they gave much false testimony, while providing in
the account names and places. Thus also it happened with the servants of the
Seventeenth Trial – that of Adultery. The Eighteenth Trial – that of Sodomy,
was where there are tormented all the sins of fornication against nature and of
incest, all the nasty, secretly done deeds about which, in the words of the
Apostle, it is shameful even to speak. The Nun Theodora passed through quickly.
The Angels said to her: "Thou didst see the dreadful and loathsome
fornications of that trial. Know, that it is the rare soul that passes by them
freely. All the world is immersed in the evil of temptations and filth, nearly
all people are lascivious, and "the inclinations of the heart of man –
are evil from the time of his youth" (Gen. 8: 21). Few are they that have
mortified the passions of the flesh, and there be few such, who would freely
get through these trials. A large part, arriving hither, do perish. The forces
of the fornicative trials boast, that they alone most of all of the trials fill
up the fiery raging in hell. Give thanks to God, Theodora, that thou hast
bypassed these tormentors of prodigality through the prayers of thine father,
the Monk Basil. Thou shalt see no greater terror".
At the Nineteenth Trial – that of
Idol-Worship and Every-Heresy, there was nothing to torment the Nun Theodora
At the final, the Twentieth Trial –
that of Lack of Pity and Hardness of Heart, there was recorded everything
unmerciful, cruel, spiteful and of hate. The soul of a person, not following
the command of God about mercy, is flung from hither into hell and shut up in
it until the general resurrection. Literally like a mass of bees, there swooped
down servants of the fierce demon, but finding nothing concerning the nun, they
went away.
The rejoicing Angels then
transported the saint through the gates of Heaven. When she entered into Heaven
the water on the ground gave way, and behind her it again joined together. A
triumphant host of Angels met the saint and conducted her to the Throne of God.
As they went, there descended upon them two Divine clouds. At an inexplicable
height stood the Throne of God, so white, that it illumined all present before
it. "Everything there is situated such, that it be not possible either to
comprehend or explain; the mind is beclouded with perplexity, and memory lulls,
and I did forget, where I was situated", – went on the Nun Theodora with
her narration. She bowed down to the Unseen God and heard a Voice, commanding
to be shown her all the souls of the righteous and of sinners, and after this
to grant repose, where the Monk Basil should indicate. When all this had been
shown her, one of the Angels said: "Thou knowest, Theodora, that in the
world it is the custom: on the 40th day after death those remaining alive make
memory of the departed. And thus, there upon the earth the Monk Basil doth
today remember thee". "And so, – the Nun Theodora concluded her
story, – my spiritual child Gregory, after the 40th day of the separation of
my soul from the body, I am now situated in this place, which was prepared for
our father the Monk Basil". After this she led him through the Heavenly
habitation, where Gregory encountered the Monk Basil in the courtyard beyond
the refectory. Afterwards Saint Theodora led him into the garden. Astonished at
all the good things, Gregory wanted to find out about them. But the Nun
Theodora merely said, that all this be not of earth, but attainable for those,
who in the earthly life endure many a sorrow and misfortune, yet who keeps the
commands of the Lord and precisely fulfills them. When the Nun Theodora said,
that life in Heaven is distinctly different from life on earth, Gregory
involuntarily pinched himself, wanting to know whether he was still in the
flesh. His spirit was joyful, his senses and thoughts pure. He wanted to return
from the garden, which the nun had pointed him to, and go to the courtyard.
When he returned, there was no one there at the refectory. Having made a bow to
the Nun Theodora, Gregory started to return homewards, and at that very moment
he awoke and began to wonder, where he was and what it all it had been, that he
had heard and seen. He became afraid, lest it was all just a demonic deceit,
and he went to his teacher. Then he Monk Basil himself recounted everything,
that Gregory had seen, and asked him to write down everything he had seen and
heard, for the benefit of others.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.