The Monk Nicholas the Confessor, Hegumen of the Studite Monastery
Commemorated on February 4
The Monk Nicholas
the Confessor, Hegumen of the Studite Monastery, lived during the IX
Century. He was born on the island of Crete in the village of Kedonia into a
Christian family. At age 10 his parents sent him off to Constantinople to his
uncle, Blessed Theophanes, who was a monk at the Studite monastery. On the approval
of the Monk Theodore, the head of the Studite monastery, the lad was settled
into the monastery school. And at the completion of school, when he was 16
years of age, he was tonsured a monk, and after several years was vouchsafed
the dignity of priest.
During this time
there raged a fierce persecution, initiated by the Byzantine emperor Leo the
Armenian (813-820) against those that venerated holy icons, and the Monk
Nicholas shared the fate of the Monk Theodore the Studite: they were repeatedly
locked up in prison, tortured every which way, and insulted. They however
zealously continued to spread Orthodoxy among the Christians. With the reign of
the Blessed Empress Theodora (+ 867), ruling the realm while her son Michael
was still in age a minor, icon-veneration was restored and there ensued a time
of relative peace. The Monk Nicholas returned to the Studite monastery and was
chosen its head. But the calm did not long continue. The Empress Theodora was
stripped of rule, and there came to power the emperor's uncle, Bardas, – a man
defiling himself by open cohabitation with the wife of his son. The attempts of
His Holiness Patriarch Ignatios to wield his spiritual power and restrain the
impiety of Bardas proved unsuccessful. On the contrary, he was deposed from the
patriarchal throne and sent off into exile. Not wanting to be a witness to the
triumph of iniquity, the Monk Nicholas left Constantinople. He spent 7 years at
various wilderness monasteries. Later on, as a prisoner, he was returned to the
Studite monastery, where he spent two years imprisoned, right up to the death
of the emperor Michael (855-867) and Bardas. With the ascent to the throne of
the emperor Basil I the Macedonian (867-886), the Monk Nicholas was set free,
and on the orders of the emperor again became hegumen. For his life as a
confessor and ascetic he received from God the gift of healing, which did not
cease even after his repose in the year 868.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.