Sainted Anthony, Patriarch of Constantinople
Commemorated on February 12
Sainted Anthony,
Patriarch of Constantinople, was a native of Asia, but all his years from
youth to his end were spent at Constantinople. He was born in about the year
829 of rich and pious parents. After the death of his mother, at age 12 he
entered a monastery, where in copying the example of the hegumen, he spent his
nights at prayer and led a strict monastic life. With the passage of time, and
against his wish, he was ordained to the dignity of presbyter, and then on the
bidding of the Patriarch he was made an hegumen. Serving in this dignity, he
tonsured into monasticism his own father. Saint Anthony was distinguished by
his mercy, by his love and concern for the destitute, and he distributed to
them generous help.
Elevated to the
Patriarchal throne at Constantinople in 893, Saint Anthony all the more
intensified his care for the destitute and especial for the spiritual condition
of the poor. With an assist on the part of the emperor Leo the Wise, Patriarch
Anthony did much good for the Church. He concerned himself over the encouraging
of piety in the people, and despite having become stooped over with the
infirmities of age, he went around all the churches of his patriarchate,
fulfilling the command of the Saviour – to be the servant to all the brethren.
In the year 895,
advanced in age, Saint Anthony peacefully expired to the Lord.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.