The Monk Simeon the Myrh-Exuding, Tsar of Serbia

Commemorated on February 13

      The Monk Simeon the Myrh-Exuding, Tsar of Serbia, was in the world the Great "Zhupan" (prince) of Serbia, and had the name Stefan Nemany (Nemanya). He lived during the XII Century. The prince toiled much for his fatherland: he united a large portion of the Serb lands and strove for the political independence of his country. He zealously defended his nation against the incursions of Latinism and heresies. At age 80 Stefan set off to Athos, where his son – the Monk Savva (Comm. 12 January), was glorified by holiness of life. Together there they restored the desolate Khilendaria monastery, to which monks from various lands began to gather. Saint Simeon was a great ascetic and wise guide for the monks. The Monk Simeon died on 13 February 1200. His relics began to exude myrh. The Monk Savva transported the remains of his father back to their native land, to Serbia, and placed them in a church of the Most Holy Mother of God situated at the River Studenitsa. Saint Simeon while still the prince had erected and richly adorned this church.


© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.