Sainted George, Bishop of Amastridea
Commemorated on February 21
Sainted George, Bishop of Amastridea, was from the city of Kromna, nearby the city of Amastridea close to the Black Sea. His pious and illustrious parents Theodore and Migethusa gave him a fine education, both spiritual and secular. Saint George withdrew to a mountain in Syria, where he accepted monasticism and began to lead a strict ascetic life under the guidance of an hermit. After the death of the elder, Saint George resettled at a monastery in Bonissa, and there continued with his efforts. After the death of the bishop of the city of Amastridea, Saint George was chosen bishop by the clergy and the people, and he was ordained at Constantinople by Archbishop Tarasios (784-806, Comm. 25 February). Arriving in Amastridea, Saint George incessantly instructed his flock, he concerned himself about the embellishment of churches, was a defender of widows and orphans, fed the poor, and in everything he gave example of a God-pleasing life. By the power of his prayer he repulsed from the city of Amastridea Saracens that were ravaging the surroundings. He likewise delivered from death Amastridean merchants wrongfully condemned in the city of Trapezund. Saint George died peacefully amidst his flock, – on 3 March – during the reign of the emperor Nicephorus I (802-811).
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