The Monk Gregory of Acretia
Commemorated on January 5
The Monk Gregory
of Acretia was born on the island of Crete in the year 760. He received an
upbringing by pious parents. This was a time when the iconoclast heretics
persecuted the orthodox. The youth Gregory, wanting to preserve his Orthodox
faith, went to Seleukos and lived there leading a life of piety.
At age 20 the Monk
Gregory set off to Jerusalem and dwelt there for 12 years, enduring fierce
persecution from the Arabs. From there Saint Gregory journeyed to Rome, where
he took monastic vows. He became spiritually acquainted there with Saint
Michael, bishop of Synadia (Comm. 23 May), who took him along and settled in a
monastery on the Cape of Acretia (Sea of Marmora). The saint accomplished great
ascetic deeds and died in about the year 820.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.