The Monk Irinarch, Hermit of Rostov
Commemorated on January 13
The Monk Irinarch,
Hermit of Rostov, was born into a peasant family in the village of
Kondakovo in the Rostov district. In Baptism he received the name Ilia. During
his 30th year of life took monastic vows at the Rostov Borisoglebsk monastery.
There he began fervently to labour at monastic tasks, he attended church
services, and by night he prayed and slept on the ground. Once, taking pity on
a vagrant who did not have shoes, Saint Irinarch gave him his own boots and
from that time he began to go barefoot through the frost. The hegumen did not
fancy such an ascetic behaviour, and he began to humiliate him, compelling him
to stand for an hour or nearly two on the frost opposite his cell, or to ring
the bells for a long time. The saint endured everything with patience but he
did not change his conduct. The hegumen continued to be hard-hearted, and the
monk was obliged to transfer to the Abramiev Theophany monastery, where he was
accepted into the number of the brethren and he was soon chosen as steward. The
monk fulfilled his monastic obediences with zeal, but grieved that the monastic
brethren and servants did not look after the property of the monastery, wasting
it without measure. One time in a dream he saw the Monk Abraham of Rostov
(Comm. 29 October), who comforted him and gave him blessing to distribute
necessities to all without consternation. Later, during a time of the singing
of the Cherubimic hymn, the monk Irinarch sobbed out loudly. To the question of
the archimandrite he answered: "My mother has died!"
Leaving Abramiev
monastery, the monk Irinarch transferred to the Rostov monastery of Saint
Lazarus, settled into a solitary cell and dwelt in it for three years in
privation and hunger. Here he was visited by Blessed John the Fool, nicknamed
the Big Simpleton. The saints encouraged each other by spiritual conversation.
The starets / elder, however, had a desire to return to his original monastery
– the Borisogleb monastery. He was accepted back with love by the strict
Varlaam and he began even more severely to practise ascetic deeds at the
monastery. Having withdrawn into solitude, the monk chained himself with iron
chains to a wooden chair, and he placed on himself heavy chains and crosses.
For this he endured the mockery and sneers of the monastic brethren. During
this time he was visited by his old friend, Blessed John the Fool, predicting
the Lithuanian invasion upon Moscow. The Monk Irinarch spent 25 years shackled
in chains and fetters at arduous tasks. His ascetic deeds accused those living carelessly
at the monastery, and they made up lies to the hegumen, that the starets taught
that they should not go to monastic work but rather pursue asceticism like him.
The hegumen believed the slander and he banished the holy starets from the
monastery. Humbly submitting, the Monk Irinarch again went to Rostov and dwelt
in the monastery of Saint Lazarus for one year. Meanwhile the Borisoglebsk
hegumen regretted his conduct and sent monks after the monk Irinarch. He
returned, blaming himself, that he did not live such as the brethren who
underwent righteous work, of which he was lacking. The monk continued to bear
his own heavy fetters, and working, he made clothes for the needy, and he
knitted hairshirts and klobuks. He slept at night for an hour or two, the
remaining time he prayed and beat his body with an iron cane.
Saint Irinarch had a
vision that Lithuania would invade Moscow, and that churches there would be
destroyed. He began to weep bitterly about the impending disaster, and the
hegumen ordered him to go to Moscow and warn tsar Vasilii Ioannovich Shuisky
(1606-1610) about the terrible misfortune. The Monk Irinarch carried out the
order. He refused the gifts offered him and having returned, he began to pray
fervently, that the Lord would show mercy on the Russian land.
Enemies appeared
against Russia, they began the conquest of the city, beat up the inhabitants,
and robbed churches and monasteries. The False-Dimitrii and a second Pretender
sought to conquer Russia for the Polish king. Borisogleb monastery was also
overrun by the enemy, who came to the holy hermit and were amazed at the direct
and bold talk of the elder, predicting catastrophe for them.
Sapega, remaining at
the Borisogleb monastery, wanted to see the elder sitting in chains, and he was
amazed at such an ascetic exploit. When the Polish nobles in company with
Sapega told him, that the elder prayed for Shuisky, the monk boldly said: "I
am born and baptised in Russia, and for the Russian tsar I pray to God".
Sapega answered: "The truth in granddad there is great – in what land one
lives, that land also one serves". After this the monk Irinarch began to
urge Sapega to leave Russia, predicting death for him otherwise.
The Monk Irinarch
paid attention to the course of the war and sent his blessings and a prosphora
to prince Dimitrii Pozharsky. He gave an order for him to come nigh Moscow,
predicting: "Ye shall see the glory of God". To assist Pozharsky and
Minin the monk handed over his cross. With the help of god the Russians
vanquished the Lithuanians, prince Pozharsky took possession of the Kremlin,
and in the Russian land peace gradually began to return. Starets Irinarch as
before incessantly prayed God with tears for the deliverance of Rus' from
enemies and, possessing the power to work miracles, he healed the sick and
The day of his death
was revealed to him, and summoning his students Alexander and Kornilii he gave
them his instructions, After taking leave from all he quietly expired to the
Lord into eternal peace (+ 13 January 1616). The holy elder left behind 142
copper crosses, seven shoulder chains, chains in length 20 sazhen which he
carried on his neck, iron foot shackles, eighteen hand fetters,
"bonds" which he wore on his belt, by weight in poods, and iron canes
by which he thrashed his body to drive away demons. In these works, as the
elder called them, he spent 38 years, and having lived in the world for 30
years, he died in his 68th year from birth. After the death of the Monk
Irinarch many miracles occurred at his grave, especially the healing of the
sick and the demoniac by the laying upon them of the crosses and chains of the
saintly ascetic.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.