The Holy UnMercenary Cyrus
Commemorated on January 31
The Holy
UnMercenary Cyrus was a noted physician in the city of Alexandria, where he
was born and grew up. He was a Christian and he doctored all the sick for free,
not only offering help for bodily ills, but healing also infirmities of soul,
such as were causes of bodily sickness. Preaching the Gospel teaching, the holy
physician converted many pagans to Christ. During the time of the persecution
by Diocletian (284-305), Saint Cyrus withdrew into the Arabian wilderness,
where he took on the monastic life, and continued there also to doctor people
by his prayer, having received from God the gift to heal every sickness.
In the city of Edessa
at this time lived the soldier John, a pious Christian. When the persecution
started, he went to Jerusalem and there, hearing about Saint Cyrus, he began to
search for him, and he went first to Alexandria and then to Arabia. Having
finally found Saint Cyrus, John with all his heart became attached to him and
became his faithful follower. They learned that in Egypt in the city of Canopis
had been arrested the Christian Athanasia and her three young daughters:
Theoktista – age 15, Theodotia – age 13, and Eudoxia – age 11. Saints Cyrus
and John hastened to go to them in help, worrying that fear in the face of
torture might impel them to renounce Christ. They visited them in prison and
gave them courage to stand what was before them. Learning of this, the governor
of the city arrested Saints Cyrus and John, and convincing himself of their
steadfast and fearless confession of faith in Christ, he gave them over to
terrible tortures before the very eyes of Athanasia and her daughters, who in
turn bravely endured all the tortures and were beheaded. After them at the same
place they executed the holy UnMercenaries Cyrus and John (+ 311). Christians
buried their bodies in a church of the holy Disciple and Evangelist Mark. In
the V Century the relics of Saints Cyrus and John were transferred from Canopis
to Manuphin. Later on their relics were transferred to Rome, and from there to
Munchen (Munich) (an account further is located under 28 June).
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.