The Monk Gerasim, First Vologda Wonderworker
Commemorated on March 4
The Monk Gerasim,
First Vologda Wonderworker, accepted monastic tonsure on the day of 4 March
at the Kiev Gniletsk Uspenie monastery, having been attracted to the place of
the caves, where the Monk Theodosii (Feodosii, Comm. 3 May) secluded himself
during the time of Great Lent.
Out of obedience to
the brethren, the Monk Gerasim accepted the dignity of priestmonk. In imitation
of the exploits of the fathers of old, the monk felt the pull to Northern Rus'
and he arrived at the River Vologda (19 August 1147), on the right bank of
which he blessed the emerging settlement, "foretelling that here would be
a great city". The saint chose for his dwelling place the dense virgin
forest, separated from the settlement by the not large Kaisarova creek. There
the monk built himself an hut and in the tranquil solitude he gave himself over
to contemplation of God, unceasing prayer and work. He built a church in the
Name of the Most Holy Trinity, and under him there came to be the first
monastery in the North, named for the Most Holy Trinity. The monastery served in
the spiritual enlightening of the surrounding peoples.
The monk reposed
peacefully to the Lord on 4 March 1178, on the same day as his monastic tonsure
and his monastic name-day in common with the Monk Gerasimos.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.