Martyrs Philetos, his wife Lydia, their sons Macedonos and Theoprepios, together with Cronides and Amphylokios
Commemorated on March 23
Martyrs Philetos,
his wife Lydia, their sons Macedonos and Theoprepios, together with Cronides
and Amphylokios: Saint Philetos was an illustrious dignitary at the court
of the emperor Adrian (117-138), a persecutor of christians. For openly
confessing his faith in Christ the Saviour, Saint Philetos – together with his
wife Saint Lydia and their sons Macedonos and Theoprepios – was brought to
trial. By order of Adrian, Saint Philetos was sent off with his family to
Illyria to the military-governor Amphylokios to subject them to torture. This
one gave orders to suspend them from a tree and torture them with knives. After
this act of martyrdom they were locked up in prison with the believing
head-jailer Cronides. An Angel came to them by night and eased their
sufferings. On the following day the martyrs were plunged into a cauldron of
boiling oil, but the oil cooled down instantly, and the saints remained
unharmed. The military-governor Amphylokios was so astonished at this miracle,
that he himself believed on Christ and went into the boiling oil with the
prayer "Lord, Jesus Christ, help me!" – and remained alive. The
tortures were repeated when the emperor Adrian came to Illyria. They threw the
holy martyrs again and again into the boiling oil, and by the power of God they
remained alive.
The humiliated
emperor returned to Rome, and the holy martyrs began to give thanks and praise
God and in prayer they offered up to Him their holy souls (+ c. 117-138).
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.