Saint Theophilos the Confessor
Commemorated on October 10
Saint Theophilos
the Confessor came from the surroundings of Tiberiada. At thirteen years of
age the saint secretly left his home to go off to the laura-monastery on Mount
Selenteia, where he matured spiritually under the guidance of the elder,
Saint Stephen. After three years Saint Theophilos accepted tonsure into
the monastic ranks. When the parents of the saint learned where their son was,
they went then to the monastery and besought the hegumen to send off both
Theophilos and several of the brethren, to establish a new monastery closer to
the parental home. The hegumen bid all the monks to fast and to pray, so that a
sign might be received. On the third day in church was heard a voice, giving
the blessing to send off Theophilos, since he would become reknown by his many
spiritual exploits at the new monastery.
There eventually
ensued the reign of the iniquitous iconoclast emperor, Leo the Isaurian
(717-741). Saint Theophilos openly revolted against the iconoclast folly. In
accord with the emperor's orders, they subjected the saint to beatings, and
they led him through the city all tied up like a criminal. The emperor then
gave Theophilos over into the charge of the official, Ipatios. Ipatios tried
every which way to compel the confessor to renounce holy icons, but he could
not budge him. On the contrary, Saint Theophilos succeeded in persuading over
Ipatios instead. He cited in proof the brass serpent erected by Moses (Num. 21:
9), the corroboration of the Cherubim atop the Ark of the Covenant, and finally
he reminded, how the Saviour Himself had given to Abgar the prince of Edessa
His Image Not-Wrought-by-Hand (Comm. 16 August). Persuaded in mind by this
conversation, Ipatios gained permission of the emperor to set free the saint.
The confessor returned to the monastery founded by him. He lived there but a
short while, and in the year 716 Saint Theophilos expired peacefully to the Lord.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.