The Monk Tarasii of Glushetsk
Commemorated on October 12, May 13
Monk Tarasii of Glushetsk was hegumen of a monastery, built by Sainted
Stephen of Perm (Comm. 26 April), and he zealously spread and affirmed the
Orthodox faith among the Zyryani people.
1427 under the successor of Saint Stephen, Bishop Gerasim (Comm.
29 January), the Monk Tarasii voluntarily gave up leading the monastery
and went to the Glushetsk monastery under the guidance of the Monk Dionysii.
Dionysii, seeing the deep humility of Tarasii, accepted him. The former hegumen
Tarasii toiled equally alongside the novices at the monastery and he led a
strict ascetic life. The monk was buried at the Dionysiev monastery (+ 1440).
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.