The Holy GreatMartyress Zlata (Chrysa or Golda) of Moglensk
Commemorated on October 13
Holy GreatMartyress Zlata (Chrysa or Golda) of Moglensk was born and lived
in the Bulgarian village of Slatino, Moglensk diocese (+ 1795). Bulgaria at
this time was under the Turkish Yoke.
her youth Zlata displayed an unusually strong character, a firm faith in
Christ, and was both chaste and beautiful. The local Turks attempted repeatedly
to seduce the maiden and force her to accept Islam. But neither by persuasion,
nor by threats, nor by monstrous torturing continued in prison for many months,
did they break the spirit of the glorious confessor of Christ.
© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.