Prayer Requests

Online Candlestand
The parish has an online candlestand, where you may purchase the placement of candles, submit names for commemoration and request panikhidas, molebens and 40-Day prayer requests. For each Sunday Liturgy, your requests must be submitted by 10:00 PM Saturday.
For prayer requests please click here > >

Vigil Candles On the Altar and near St. Barbara Icon
Three vigil candles that are always burning – two near the large icon of the Holy Great-Martyr Barbara which holds a piece of her relics, and one on the holy altar table. These vigil lights burn from Sunday to Sunday. To have these candles burn 24 hours a day on behalf of someone we are praying for is quite a special blessing. We continue to accept donations to have these three vigil candles burn each week either for the health/salvation of the living and/or in memory of a departed loved one. A $15 donation will keep all three candles lit for one week.
To schedule your candle offering, please contact Elena Loyko by email.